
October 31, 2014


"Let go the things that are not meant for you, if its meant for you it will come back"

I have difficulty in letting go of some things, this is because I have invested my time on it. So I am reluctant to let go, when some times it is the right thing to do for my own being.

October 29, 2014

Why You Always Feel Like Crap

Recently I have been watching Supernatural Season 8, and the scene where Dean, the older brother, unable to achieve what he wants and everything turns out to be unexpected, I totally get it.
Especially when he says "I feel like crap"

October 03, 2014

The Prime Purpose In Life

Human naturally are selfish beings. 
We want people to understand our needs, we want them to make us as their first priority.
We often forget that the people who are trying to understand us are also a human with limit.