
January 06, 2011

Bad Day - Lost my temper - x(

Few days ago i accidentally hurt someone. I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it. 
I know i am rough. I know i am a temperamental person. I know that. And because of this attitude of mine, i hurt the feeling of the person that very dear to me, let's call this person X.

At first i was joking around with X and he took it seriously and get annoyed. Then because he not dare to tell me about the annoying feeling he gets from my joke, he started pour his annoying feeling to my mom by making annoying response when my mom asked him some questions. He did that annoying response for a few times to my mom and that really pissed me off! Although my mom is okay with it.

And at that time, i lost my temper. i can't control it. I lost my temper and i really angry to him! and because of this i hurt his feeling. Since i lost my temper, Y (another person) also lost his temper because he felt annoyed too. So Y scolded X. They fight. And i get even more pissed off because they are making it worst!

After that my parents come and lecture the 2 of them.
As time goes, i realize that i have hurt X feeling so bad and i have caused so many trouble. I even let Y get involved.
and the worst thing is because of my temper i made "them" cry. I made them sad because of my attitude :(
i didn't mean it. i seriously didn't mean it. 

Because i lost my temper, i hurt everyone. Although i only hurt 1 person but indirectly i hurt "them". :( I feel very guilty :(  
although i have already said sorry, it's not enough because it can't erase the pain.

Then because of the lecture from my parents, X act like a small kid. He said he does not want to forgive yet. and that actually made me get a bit pissed off but i ignore coz I don't want to make things worst.

Oh God, i didn't want it to be this way. i didn't mean to hurt them. all i wanted to do is just to tell him(X) that he shouldn't respond like that when someone older is asking. I know the way i tell him is so terrible since i get pissed off. But i really didn't mean it. 

Until now X didn't want to talk anything to me & Y. Although we have said sorry. But it's okay because i know it wouldn't be easy for him to get rid of the pain. it takes time. But one thing that i hope from him. I hope he understand what i was trying to say to him and i hope he change his childish attitude. I also hope he can tell what he is feeling, if he is angry then tell direct to the person that make him angry. don't keep it and angry to other people that doesn't even know what's going on.

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