
February 09, 2014

Yes, You Are An Introvert.

Source: Creative Commons

I never know I was an introvert until I watch Susan Cain Ted talk, read her book: Quiet, and do the Myers Briggs test.

During my growing up process, I always feel weird, shy, and scared in the crowd. It's like that crowded place was never my place. And deep down I knew its true.

I enjoyed solitude. I loved doing my hobby such as reading books, playing with animals, and playing with myself. I loved to get lost in my own head, imagining things, make a story and try it out.

I remembered when I was in elementary school sixth grade, I have difficulty in fitting to new places. My parents brought me to a church and to be honest I never liked to go to Sunday school. For me, I preferred to follow my parents.

But, every time we went to church, my mom will drop me in the Sunday school. I will feel agony there. It's because I never like the crowd.

In my high school final year, where the final year students will be graduating soon, I was chosen to make a speech as a representative for the final year students, but I rejected it. I never like the spotlight and the attention.

In university where presentations need to be done. I actually felt much calmer and confident because it was mostly a group presentation. There was a few individual presentations as well and I often felt a little bit nervous. But managed to overcome it little by little.

I had a few extrovert friends that I admired. I love extrovert people, for me they were a perfect person. I secretly wish to be like them sometimes. Well, I used to think about that.

Still, if I can choose, I do not want the spotlight nor the crowd. I still love the solitude and quiet time until now.

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