
March 17, 2014

A Combination Of Life

Source: Creative Commons

A combination of sounds.

The sound of the vehicles, the sound of the wind and the sound of the music from a desktop.

They blend with each other creating their own melody. 

The view of the trees, buildings and cloudy sky are the main scenery that I see everyday. Nothing change. 

And in the middle of this place and sounds, I feel the tranquil feeling and at the same time the urge to sleep. 

A couple of butterflies emerge from the trees, chasing each other. As though they are lost in their own world. 

From there I am more certain that God has prepared everything. 


  1. waaah, sekarang nama blog dan alamat blognya berubah ya mbak Sylvi. hhe
    ngomong2, suka mbak dengan tulisannya. terkadang memang kombinasi dari hal-hal yang ada di sekitar itu memberikan inspirasi dan perasaan yang mendalam. tentunya kalo kita mau "melihat" lebih dalam atas apa yang ada di sekitar kita.

  2. Iya mas, kuganti :)

    Betul sekali mas! hehe
