I am the first child, the eldest and my parents used to said this, "You are the first so do it."
I feel unfair when my parents only ask me to settle things that are so simple . I used to question myself "Is it because I am the first born that I have to do all this? why dont they ask my brothers?"
Of course there are certain point where I feel glad to help, but I want my brothers to learn the things I learn.
Although I am the eldest, I do wish I do not have to held the responsibility that my brothers suppose to do. I wish they can do it by themselves. I believe that the time will come, but I don't think I am patient enough to wait until the time come slowly. I want them to learn to be more independent starting from now.
I am still learning too. But I want them to learn it too, especially my youngest brother.
I have a conversation with my mom where she gives a task to me where I think there is no need to do that.
Here a rough conversation that I had with my mother.
Mom: "I am worried about the journey to grandpa place.. So I want you to follow your brother to spend the holiday there and take care of them."
Me: "Why? He has experienced going there by himself and I guess he knows it. I already teach him where to take the bus and LRT when he was back a couple of months ago and he was okay."
Mom: "Nope. I do not agree with that. You follow him. You take care of him, okay?"
Me: "If you don't give him a chance to experience the journey back home by himself again, he will always depend on other people. Let him go. You do not need to worry."
That is the rough conversation. I know parents are always worried about their child. That is one of their amazing trait that I still can't get it until now. But I appreciate them for being worried. So grateful for that. But I want them to understand too that in order for a child to grow up, they must let go of them bit by bit.
Being the first child isn't always as great as people thought. When people says the first child is the leader, I think it is more to the combination of leader+sweeper. You lead and you sweep your other siblings.
You realize their weaknesses before you realize yours, and then try to guide them. Instead of hating those weaknesses, you tried to clean the mess your siblings do and teach them although you have your own limitation to that.
It's not a bad thing but sometimes it is exhausting.
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