
January 29, 2013

When You Move On From One Friend to Another

Yesterday, I was invited for a movie together with an old friend. It has been a while since we met each other. Due to the final year project which kept most of our time occupied by the research that we were required to do, the two of us had lost contact. So yesterday was our first meeting after a long time.

It was a habit of her to bring a group of her college friends (which I don't know). So yesterday I was hanging out with a few strangers which I do not know well. There was 5 of us in total.

We watched CZ12 movie together. I will give a 6 out of 10 rating for that movie. Kinda boring but it is worth to see Jackie Chan acting again and entertaining people with his action kungfu moves.

After watching, we went to have lunch together, and then in there I can feel a huge gap and heavy atmosphere in our conversation. She wasn't really paying attention to me, instead she was focusing to her friends. Well I completely understand that because we hadn't been in contact for a long time so there was this heavy uncomfortable feeling when we met because we don't know what to talk about.

It's not the first time I feel this.

This normally happens when we move on from a bunch of old friends to a bunch of new friends. This is also an improvement level. She doesn't forget me, so do I, but she forget the way we used to be when we were good friends. We can no longer go back to that stage, because life moves on. That stage become a sweet memory for me and her.

Meeting new people, feel new feelings, learning to be a grown up sometimes made us forget the person we used to be but change us to someone we never expected to be.(in a good way)

So if you are change in a good way because of a friend, be grateful.

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