
September 16, 2017

Serious Person

I am a very serious person. I don't know when I start being this kind of person but I always know I am a serious kind of person. It's not that I can't joke generally. Being serious, make me sweat the small stuff more than I suppose to and it's because I choose too, but sometimes, I let it go just for the sake of letting go.

I have this kind of special relationship with words being spoken. Because when words are being said, it means you are ready for the consequences it may bring (positive or negative). So that's why I am serious about promises being made.

Because promise shows the seriousness and responsibility. Which is why for people who just simply put their promises out there for the sake of putting it, well it is a minus points in my eyes. Although it won't be that minus, if your actions speaks louder than your empty promises.

Nuff said.

August 09, 2017

Singapore Trip (But Let's Talk About KL A Little)

After more than 15 years of not stepping this super develop country called Singapore, I had the chance to visit it end of July 2017.  It is a super short year trip that I planned with my friend (Read: Debbie).

So basically we visited KL Malaysia first before heading to Singapore. I was actually not that excited going back to KL, because it had become my second home since long long time ago and visiting KL means like going back home for me. However, it is definitely different when you visit your home with your friend who doesn't really love KL. 

May 27, 2017


So today, a person (let's just call him an acquaintance) asked me and my brother to send his stuff via Go*** app. And after we completed what he requested, we gave the stuff to the driver and the driver did his job.

After 2 hours of passing time and knowing that the stuff should be delivered to him, we got a message from him saying that the driver was impolite and asking parking money in addition when clearly there was no parking area in my house and the driver was obviously telling a lie. And this acquaintance demanded us to resolve this problem.

March 23, 2017

Feel to much

It's definitely weird to feel tears (cry a little) on my eyes when I was talking with strangers. I had encounter this a few times and today I feel the most weirdest.

It's not that I have "crying" issue or what, nope, nope, I think its because I feel too much. You know those moments when you were too upset or angry that tears started coming out of your eyes and you totally have no control of it, that's right, I have those moments a few times.

It happens today when I was talking with this driver that had come to pick things, well he chatted a bit about some technical problem stuff, and while I was explaining to him about how things work and gave him the solution as well, he still gave this "I am correct no matter what you say" vibe, that seriously making me think more and use another reasoning so that he can accept it (well, he did accept it. though). And after that, I feel tears slowly running down from my eyes, then I realize I was in tears while talking to him.

I know I feel too much I guess because when things had been logically placed and solved by the mind, the heart start to take control because the mind has done its deed, and today the heart went teary.

February 10, 2017

A Piece of Thought From Chinese New Year Gathering

The rooster come knocking at the door.

All the animals has gathered and prepared the feast specially for the rooster, why? Because it is the rooster year and, this means all the animals will have to face the ups and downs given from the rooster, in short play by the rooster's rules.

"Here he comes" said the dragon.

"The food is enough right? If it's not, I have more in the kitchen" asked the rabbit to none.

"It's enough, can we just wait first before deciding whether to add the food or not" said the sheep to the rabbit in a calm yet feverish tone.

And the rooster opened the door, and everyone clap their hands the moment the rooster entered.

The rooster gives a calm face with a smile saying "Thank you guys, this is my year, let's enjoy it to the fullest". Said the rooster proudly.


On Chinese New Year eve, I had those scene playing in my mind while having dinner with my family from my mother's side. I imagined the rooster to be a little arrogant in personality but smart and have a vision on the future.

As I ate the fried chicken on my bowl, I began thinking about all of this food and people that celebrate the Chinese New Year Eve with a smile on their face, hiding their true feelings and just enjoy the moment.

Why I think like that? Because everyone gathered here to achieve that one goal and it is too be happy and to keep other family member out of worry.

The year of the monkey had given lots of unexpected events and circumstances that was totally out of control that only God can control. So the rooster year, since it started with a smile, hoping this smile lasts and truly become a smile from the heart and mind.